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Welcome Lehman Rapture, Dawg, Karma and Shannon! October 25, 2009

Posted by fallingwaters in News.

We have so many new performers it’s hard to keep the blog up-to-date!

Lehman Shinn kindly filled in at the last minute on Wednesday and his beautiful love songs set the tone for the whole evening. You’ll be able to find Lehman at Club Falling Waters every other Wednesday at 7pm, starting November 3rd.

Rapture Damone made her debut performance at Falling Waters today! She sang great folk and pop songs to a crowd of old and new fans. Was a rousing success!

Making their Falling Waters debut performances tomorrow (Monday) are Dawg Jacobus and Karma Auer!

Dawg Jacobus plays songs that he wrote back in the day and new ones as inspiration allows him to write. He also does one or two covers, but tends to keep them to a minimum. He rarely uses a backing track, and only for covers if he feels it benefits the song.

Streaming from Barcelona, Karma Auer likes to sing different styles pop, jazz, industrial, blues.

Shannon Oherlihy is a singer/songwriter/ guitar player based in Stratford, CT. Inspired by the music of John Denver, Gordon Lightfoot, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins and Bob Dylan, Shannon found her musical roots in contemporary folk.


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