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Thunderfoot Lorefield

Thunderfoot Lorefield is the Second Life performing avatar for Jerry Griffin. He is currently presenting live shows as a singer in Second Life, accompanying himself on acoustic guitar. He brings a wide selection of classic rock, folk and country, presented in a spontaneous and spirited manner.

Thunderfoot’s presentation includes selections from a broad range of artists, including The Everly Brothers, Simon and Garfunkel, CSN, Jimmy Buffet, Bob Dylan, Roberta Flack, U2, The Beatles, Frank Zappa and many more.

To promote his shows, Thunderfoot operates a SL group: Stormwatch.

Notices of showtimes and places are routinely posted at the begining of the week, and where possible, one hour before starting time and again as near as possible to starting time. Once Thunderfoot is playing, he relies on his network of officers to post IMs and TPs to keep building the show. Please let Thunderfoot know if you would be willing to help promote shows in this manner.

The name “Thunderfoot” was inspired by Jerry’s extensive career as a professional drummer, based in Oklahoma City. For 30 years he has provided drums, guitar and vocals for dozens of local performers, including Greyhaven, the Country Legend, Rocker, folk duo Melanie & Jerry, The PTA, Doc Blues Revue, and Mike Black & the Stingrays. Jerry can currenlty be found performing shows as a member of Earcandy, ( http://soundlcick.com/earcandy ) and of Johny Walker’s Red Label Band.

In addition to his musical endeavors, Jerry is a professional graphic artist, whose services are made available through the website.


1. Welcome Thunderfoot and Drew!! « Falling Waters Blog - October 1, 2009

[…] News, Performers. trackback We are thrilled to present the Falling Waters debut performances of Thunderfoot Lorefield and Drew […]

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