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Rastaman Sorbet

**Rastaman Sorbet, John, Came to SecondLife in July 2008 to entertain people that share his love of music across the grid. At the early age of 6 he picked up his first guitar, a gift from his grandad, his love for music grew, he will tell you he played that guitar til it fell apart. John was in his first band named Headstone when he was 14. He wrote his first and not so favorite song at the age of 15, Evermore, not his favorite.

John has traveled all over the United States playing for many bands, he now makes his home in the state of Pennsylvania. John covers many genres, folk, rock, country and many others.His favorite entertainer is Ozzy, but you can hear it in his voice that his sound comes from the Seattle Grunge Scene from the 90’s.

Rastaman can be found in clubs across the Secondlife grid. His favorite is to play dedications and requests for his fans. Rastamans fans can be found lining up to hear and enjoy his modern progressive – grunge appeal.

If you ask Rastaman why he is here, you will get a very simple answer. One that you wouldn’t expect, It’s not about money he says. It’s about being able to share his music. This is the only place that he has ever seen musicians work together to make each other improve, and succeed. It has really inspired him. He can’t wait to play music with people from all over the world.**


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