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Chip Takacs

Chip Takacs is a Motown & Clapton influenced Blues Guitar player. He digs oldies with a guitar sound & Classic Rock from the 60’s and 70s. He has a typical Brooklyn attitude and isn’t afraid to let it flow at his show, and the music has the same bend… some like it, some don’t… one thing they all agree on is, it is a show to see and hear…

My fee is simple, I play for tips… Venue owners have enough to pay for. but if you insist i will take pay…
If you want to book me please IM my manager Maxine Segall, DO NOT BOOK WITH CHIP, HE’S A LOST CAUSE.

Chip’s request: (you don’t have to bend over, but it’s good for business for both of us, to have as many people there as possible)

1. try to have a lead in act, there are tons of tip only muscians… If you also want to book after Chip’s time that’s ok too.

2. Since we are tip only, You must list our show in SL music live ad. It’s only fare.

3.Please give Maxine permission to sluri your group by IM. Notices are nice but people can turn them off and not even know someones playing.

We come with or own fun things, we have dancers and a stage act… it is all planned… we are very busy at present… so please repeated IM’s may be nessesary… (Max get’s Lazy LOL),

Chip Takacs at Beau’s Original Gaslight

Web Page: http://www.myspace/chiptakacs


1. Welcome DJ, Jed, Chip & Rastaman! « Falling Waters Blog - October 20, 2009

[…] have the pleasure of welcoming to the Falling Waters family performers DJ Rembranch, Jed Tharnaby, Chip Takacs and Rastaman […]

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