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Welcome!!! October 8, 2009

Posted by fallingwaters in News, Performers, Staff.
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This week we have the privilege of welcoming to the Falling Waters family…

LizAday Solo
Fabius Aries
Huey Munz
Khiron Ametza
Blaine Scorpio
Urban Harvy
KevinMThomas Carpool
Charndon Kass

Derrick Kingmaker
Jasminelane Melnik


Welcome Thunderfoot and Drew!! October 1, 2009

Posted by fallingwaters in News, Performers.
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We are thrilled to present the Falling Waters debut performances of Thunderfoot Lorefield and Drew Mirabella!!

We are thrilled that both of these great performres will be appearing weekly at Club Falling Waters!

Totally Taunter Tuesday September 22, 2009

Posted by fallingwaters in News, Performers.
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